Saturday, May 17, 2008

Carolina Anoles

There are plenty of bugs in our yard providing enough food to support several anoles. My older brother used to have one of these as a pet "chameleon". Here's the best I could get holding my Olympus C700 a couple feet away from this Carolina anole, Anolis carolinensis.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007


Today a swarm of bees came to visit over the front door of our house. Go away, bees!

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Texas Giant Centipede

Scolopendra heros

Texas giant centipede is the common name for it, and it is pretty big. We saw this one in the parking garage at work as we were returning from lunch yesterday. It was moving quickly, so my camera work is not so great.
giant centipede from the top

giant centipede

giant centipede

giant centipede

giant centipede

giant centipede

There is some interesting info from the Dallas Zoo about the sting from being bitten. It's not very dangerous to humans.

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